What’s online language learning like? Is it a success or failure?
What’s online learning like? Is it a success or failure?
Following the pandemic this year, I’ve been recently looking into the attraction of online language learning for students who have previously had tuition face to face and then moved to live lessons online as a result of the UK lockdown in March 2020. The results from my own investigations have been encouraging, and seem to support the success of being taught foreign languages online.
From responses received, positive areas of learning have been:
One-to-one lessons online being really easy and effective;
Anticipating problems with sound, but it rarely having been an issue;
Initial concerns about signal strength during lockdown, with a higher demand for online services, but again – having turned out not to be a problem;
Easy to share documents;
The chat section for adding spellings working well.
From these results it’s good to witness that learners don’t feel that they’re missing out while accessing online learning of a foreign language. Surely this makes a case for online learning to continue to expand in all learning areas, not just languages?